Prosper Point: Your Luck Is Up To You


Do you believe in luck?

Today , on Friday the 13th, there sure is a lot of talk about it. And, a lot of people think that luck plays a big part in success.

“He was in the right place at the right time.” “She just had a lucky break.”

Thoughts like that lead us to believe that success is all left up to chance.

But that can’t be further from the truth.

The truth is – luck and good fortune follow those who leap outside of their comfort zone and move boldly into the direction of their dreams.

It’s all about taking regular steps toward your goals. You don’t have to have it all figured out or do it perfectly – just get moving. Even little baby steps will do.

Let me put it another way – “lucky” people are those who are finding opportunities because they are moving in the direction of their goals. The movement activates your faith and you begin to experience the blessings that God has had for you all along.

So, if you have been feeling a bit unlucky lately, take some steps toward your goals and watch the luck flow.

Enjoy your day! 🙂